Labsr4U Pawsitive Advice
Removing Sap and Gum from Fur or Hair
The following article was composed
from posts written by Ellen Morris.
To remove sap, tar, paint, chewing gum or other sticky things from your
dog's coat, there is nothing that beats salad oil! Using a a small dish
or a cotton ball, thoroughly soak the area with the oil. Work the oil
into the sticky or hard place with your fingers. Blot off the excess oil
with a paper towel, and wash the area with dog shampoo. Repeat this
procedure if there is anything left in the fur. Don't let your dog
walk around the house until you shampoo the area, otherwise you will be
cleaning up oily smears and foot prints from everywhere you don't want
Peanut butter can work just as well as salad oil (but don't use those
low fat versions!).
You should never try cleaning your dog's fur with acetone, paint remover
or paint thinner. It is highly toxic and can do permanent liver or
kidney damage. Salad oil and peanut butter works very effectively and if
(or should I say <strong>when</strong>) our adorable Labradors lick the
area, they will be ingesting something that is good for them, instead of
being toxic.
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