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In Our Hearts Forever


Hi, All --  From Kathy C

As I was trying to tie my shoes while sitting on my computer chair on wheels with three labs "helping" me (Whee-e-e, what a ride!), I got to thinking of all the times these three have unselfishly helped me with the many mundane tasks of day-to-day life, and I thought it would make a good topic of conversation. So here goes..
Did you ever:

Try to clean your refrigerator with three lab heads constantly nosing their way in?

Try to vacuum with one lab who thinks your vacuum is a neat toy and loves to grab it?

Sit down on your kitchen floor to really clean those lower cabinets only to have your dogs think it's an invitation to play?

Try to keep three labs in a sit stay in the yard as the Fed Ex truck drives up?

Try to assure the Fed Ex man that they're perfectly friendly and it's safe to get out of his truck?

Try to get one of those labs out of the same Fed Ex truck because the driver has to leave and he really doesn't have any more cookies in there?

Try to convince your not-crazy-about-dogs BIL that labs really don't drool much as the three sit near him as he's eating with gobs of drool running from their mouths?

Try to carry on a conversation with your definitely-not-crazy-about-dogs neighbor while you and two friends try to maintain order among 7 labs who have just come running out of this neighbor's pond? (don't worry, we had permission to use it)

Try to hug your SO in the kitchen, and have all three dogs join in to make it a group hug?

Try to load the dishwasher with 3 furry prewash cycles helping?

There are more, but this should get things started.

Kathy C.

Please feel free to email us with more "Did You Evers <g>  LOL!



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We support Labrador Life Line - they're saving Lives, One lab at a time!!!