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In Our Hearts Forever


These are 'real' breeds of dog, as collected from license applications and want forms at a US dog shelter:

Westminster Terrier
Rhode Island Ridgeback
Copper Spaniel
Cocker Spaniard
Black Labrador (from a license app, dog's color was yellow)
Shit Sue
Dorky Terrier
Lopso Apso
El Paso (attempt at Lhasa Apso)
Highland Heeler
Alaskan Malibu
Belgian Manawa
Belgium Malenoise
Basket Hound
Welch Corgi
Wild Haired Terrier
Carrion Terrier
Rockwelders (of course we know that should be Rockwilder <g>)
Great Pekingese (supposed to be Pyrenees, somewhat of a size difference <g>)
Great Pyramid
Miniature Datsun
Irish Settler
Jack Daniels Terrier
German Police Man
Chesapeake A Retriever
Borderline Collie
Chevy King Charles (Cavalier)
Goverment Pinscher

Kind of makes you wonder what they named their kids <g>


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